FRC response time
Help > Peripherals > FRC > Embedded FRC Commands > FRC response time

FRC_FrcResponseTime = 0x84


Collects bytes. This embedded FRC command is used to find out the FRC response time of the specified user FRC command. This is useful when a network consists of devices with different devices implementing the same user FRC command but in a different way that might result in different FRC response times. In this case, it is necessary to specify the maximum FRC response time that has any [N] from the set of Nodes that will receive the specified FRC command. This FRC command raises the FrcResponseTime event where a user code returns the time. The returned time value equals the value of the corresponding _FRC_RESPONSE_TIME_??_MS constant (see IQRF-macros.h) with the lowest bit set (internally by DPA) to prevent returning zero value. If the specified FRC command is not supported (i.e. FrcResponseTime event is not handled) returned value is 0xFF.


Input FRC user data has the following format:







FRCcommand   Value of the user FRC command to read FRC response time of.