Help > Custom DPA Handler > DPA API > DpaApiLocalFrc

uns8 DpaApiLocalFrc ( uns8 frcCommand, uns8 replyTxPower )


Available at [N] devices only. This function executes a selective Local FRC. Parameter frcCommand specifies the FRC command value. It can be an embedded FRC command or a custom one. The parameter replyTxPower specifies the RFoutput power used by the addressed [Ns] FRC responses to control RF interference. Addressed [Ns] are selected by individual bits in the 30-byte long bitmap at the bufferINFO array (see SelectedNodes parameter for more information). Fill in DataInSendFRC with the FRC user data according to the actual FRC command used. The function’s return value (typically number of responding [Ns]) is the FRC Status (see Send response) and param2 contains the number of addressed [Ns]. All FRC values collected from the addressed [Ns] are then available bufferINFO array.


Local FRC is an extensive stack operation. You can use a macro DpaApiLocalFrc_StackSaver instead to prevent a stack overflow. Please note that the return value is available in register W and extra 2 instructions are emitted.


DpaApiLocalFrc_StackSaver( FRC_CMD, TX_POWER_MAX );

if ( W != 0 )




See example CustomDpaHandler-LocalFRC.c for more details.