1 // **************************************************************************
    2 //   Custom DPA Handler code example - User peripheral implementation - ADC *
    3 // **************************************************************************
    4 // Copyright (c) MICRORISC s.r.o.
    5 //
    6 // File:    $RCSfile: CustomDpaHandler-UserPeripheral-ADC.c,v $
    7 // Version: $Revision: 1.36 $
    8 // Date:    $Date: 2022/02/25 09:41:25 $
    9 //
   10 // Revision history:
   11 //   2022/02/24  Release for DPA 4.17
   12 //   2017/03/13  Release for DPA 3.00
   13 //   2015/08/05  Release for DPA 2.20
   14 //   2014/10/31  Release for DPA 2.10
   15 //   2014/04/30  Release for DPA 2.00
   16 //
   17 // *********************************************************************
   19 // Online DPA documentation https://doc.iqrf.org/DpaTechGuide/
   21 // This example implements the user peripherals ADC
   22 // PNUM = 0x20 and PCMD = 0 returns 2 bytes with 10b ADC result from pin C5 at PData
   23 // PNUM = 0x21 and PCMD = 0 returns 2 bytes with 10b ADC result from pin C1 at PData
   24 // Works with TR-72 having connected pins RA.5, RC.6 and RB.4
   25 // At DDC-SE-01 allows to read:
   26 // * Light intensity measurement using a photoresistor
   27 // * Voltage measurement using a potentiometer
   29 // Default IQRF include (modify the path according to your setup)
   30 #include "IQRF.h"
   32 // Default DPA header (modify the path according to your setup)
   33 #include "DPA.h"
   34 // Default Custom DPA Handler header (modify the path according to your setup)
   35 #include "DPAcustomHandler.h"
   37 // Must be the 1st defined function in the source code in order to be placed at the correct FLASH location!
   38 //############################################################################################
   39 bit CustomDpaHandler()
   40 //############################################################################################
   41 {
   42   // Handler presence mark
   43   clrwdt();
   45   // Detect DPA event to handle
   46   switch ( GetDpaEvent() )
   47   {
   48     // -------------------------------------------------
   49     case DpaEvent_Interrupt:
   50       // Do an extra quick background interrupt work
   51       // ! The time spent handling this event is critical.If there is no interrupt to handle return immediately otherwise keep the code as fast as possible.
   52       // ! Make sure the event is the 1st case in the main switch statement at the handler routine.This ensures that the event is handled as the 1st one.
   53       // ! It is desirable that this event is handled with immediate return even if it is not used by the custom handler because the Interrupt event is raised on every MCU interrupt and the “empty” return handler ensures the shortest possible interrupt routine response time.
   54       // ! Only global variables or local ones marked by static keyword can be used to allow reentrancy.
   55       // ! Make sure race condition does not occur when accessing those variables at other places.
   56       // ! Make sure( inspect.lst file generated by C compiler ) compiler does not create any hidden temporary local variable( occurs when using division, multiplication or bit shifts ) at the event handler code.The name of such variable is usually Cnumbercnt.
   57       // ! Do not call any OS functions except setINDFx().
   58       // ! Do not use any OS variables especially for writing access.
   59       // ! All above rules apply also to any other function being called from the event handler code, although calling any function from Interrupt event is not recommended because of additional MCU stack usage.
   61 DpaHandleReturnTRUE:
   62       return TRUE;
   64       // -------------------------------------------------
   65     case DpaEvent_Init:
   66       // Do a one time initialization before main loop starts
   68       // C5 as input
   69       TRISA.5 = 1;
   70       TRISC.6 = 1;
   71       TRISB.4 = 1;
   72       // C1 as input
   73       TRISA.0 = 1;
   75       break;
   77       // -------------------------------------------------
   78     case DpaEvent_DpaRequest:
   79       // Called to interpret DPA request for peripherals
   80       // -------------------------------------------------
   81       // Peripheral enumeration
   82       if ( IsDpaEnumPeripheralsRequest() )
   83       {
   84         // We implement 1 user peripheral
   85         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.UserPerNr |= 2;
   86         FlagUserPer( _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.UserPer, PNUM_USER + 0 );
   87         FlagUserPer( _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.UserPer, PNUM_USER + 1 );
   88         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.HWPID |= 0x000F;
   89         _DpaMessage.EnumPeripheralsAnswer.HWPIDver |= 0xabcd;
   91         goto DpaHandleReturnTRUE;
   92       }
   93       // -------------------------------------------------
   94       // Get information about peripheral
   95       else if ( IsDpaPeripheralInfoRequest() )
   96       {
   97         if ( _PNUM == PNUM_USER + 0 || _PNUM == PNUM_USER + 1 )
   98         {
   99           _DpaMessage.PeripheralInfoAnswer.PerT = PERIPHERAL_TYPE_ADC;
  100           _DpaMessage.PeripheralInfoAnswer.PerTE = PERIPHERAL_TYPE_EXTENDED_READ;
  101           goto DpaHandleReturnTRUE;
  102         }
  104         break;
  105       }
  106       // -------------------------------------------------
  107       else
  108       {
  109         // Handle peripheral command
  110         if ( _PNUM == PNUM_USER + 0 || _PNUM == PNUM_USER + 1 )
  111         {
  112           // Check command
  113           if ( _PCMD != 0 )
  114             DpaApiReturnPeripheralError( ERROR_PCMD );
  116           // Check data length
  117           if ( _DpaDataLength != 0 )
  118             DpaApiReturnPeripheralError( ERROR_DATA_LEN );
  120 #if defined( TR7xG )
  121           // Enable ADC
  122           ADCMD = 0;
  124           // Might not be needed if ADC registers are kept default
  125           {
  126             // Start reseting ADC registers from ADCON0 to ADPCH
  127             // VREF- is connected to AVSS, VREF+ is connected to VDD
  128             FSR0 = &ADCON0;
  129             do
  130             {
  131               setINDF0( 0 );
  132               FSR0++;
  133               // Stop reseting at 1st GPR register, ADPCH is the last implemented register before GPR
  134             } while ( !FSR0L.5 );
  135           }
  136 #endif
  138           if ( _PNUM == PNUM_USER + 0 )
  139           {
  140 #if defined( TR7xG )
  141             //  ADC Positive Input Channel = ANA5
  142             setADPCH( 0x05 );
  143 #else
  144             // ADC setting (AN4 channel)
  145             ADCON0 = 0b0.00100.01;
  146 #endif
  147             // ADC initialization (for more info see PIC datasheet) pin C5 (AN4-D/ANA5-G) as analog input
  148             ANSELA.5 = 1;
  149           }
  150           else
  151           {
  152 #if defined( TR7xG )
  153             //  ADC Positive Input Channel = ANA0
  154             setADPCH( 0x00 );
  155 #else
  156             // ADC setting (AN0 channel)
  157             ADCON0 = 0b0.00000.01;
  158 #endif
  159             // ADC initialization (for more info see PIC datasheet) pin C1 (AN0-D/ANA0-G) as analog input
  160             ANSELA.0 = 1;
  161           }
  163 #if defined( TR7xG )
  164           // ADC is enabled, ADGO is cleared upon completion, Clock supplied according to ADCLK register, right-justified
  165           ADCON0 = 0b1000.0100;
  166           // ADC Conversion Clock = FOSC/8
  167           ADCLK = 8 / 2 - 1;
  168 #else
  169           // ADC result - right justified, Fosc/8
  170           ADCON1 = 0b1001.0000;
  171 #endif
  173           // Short delay to stabilize
  174           updateCRC16( W );
  175           // start ADC
  176           _GO = 1;
  177           // wait for ADC finish
  178           while ( _GO );
  180           // 10b result is stored in ADRESH and ADRESL
  181           _DpaMessage.Response.PData[0] = ADRESL;
  182           _DpaMessage.Response.PData[1] = ADRESH & 0x03;
  183           _DpaDataLength = sizeof( uns16 );
  185           goto DpaHandleReturnTRUE;
  186         }
  187       }
  188   }
  190   return FALSE;
  191 }
  192 //############################################################################################
  193 // Default Custom DPA Handler header; 2nd include implementing a Code bumper to detect too long code of the Custom DPA Handler (modify the path according to your setup)
  194 #include "DPAcustomHandler.h"
  195 //############################################################################################